Malaysian Household’s Awareness Towards Used Cooking Oil

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 20 May, 2021

Our increase in the human population and our diet changes which employ more frying methods in our food preparations result in the generation of huge amounts of used cooking oil worldwide. The management of these huge amounts of used cooking oil has increasingly become a serious problem in both developing...
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The Lifecycle of Unused Cooking Oil (UC)

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 13 May, 2021

Many commercial kitchen uses a lot of cooking oil and often simply being disposed of, and more often than not, it’s being disposed of improperly, like simpling pouring into the kitchen sink of drainage, which resulted in terrific damage to the municipal sewer system and became hazardous to the local...
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The Process of Recycling Used Cooking Oil

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 06 May, 2021

Our planet population has been on the rise in the last few decades. It has then led to a surge in the consumption of food. This has also indirectly led to a huge amount of used cooking oil (also known as waste cooking oil) in the process of preparing the...
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The Increasing Demand for Waste Oil

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 29 Apr, 2021

The movement of trapping, collecting & recycling used fats, oils & grease has been getting a strong foothold in recent years, partly thanks to the education effort from various local councils like the Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam and Majlis Perbandaran Klang.That said, the economical factor remains the most effective proponent...
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Everything You Need to Know About Disposing Cooking Oil

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 22 Apr, 2021

The kitchen is the prime and most important place in any foodservice business. That means running the kitchen is definitely one of the most challenging parts of the business too. Of all the things a kitchen has to be concerned about, is the cooking oil, and the proper disposal of...
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