Commercial Use of the Used Cooking Oil (UCO)

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 15 Apr, 2021

As we know and talked about in the many use of Used Cooking Oil, many manufacturers over the years have discovered even more commercial uses for it, to the extent that it is now dubbed as the liquid gold as it is now a very desirable commodity with many uses.It...
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11 Ways Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Can Be Reused

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 08 Apr, 2021

Cooking oil is the most important ingredient in any kitchen, be it the home kitchen or the commercial retail kitchen, or the central kitchens. Regardless of the type of kitchen, there is one thing that must be done, which is the disposal of the used cooking oil, especially commercial usage...
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Yes, Cooking Oil Can Be Recycled

Authored by Susan Cheah

Published at 01 Apr, 2021

It seems us Malaysian are getting more aware of the importance of recycling, and its impact on a more sustainable world. That said, not many people are actually aware of recycling of used cooking oil is actually a thing.Cooking oil is basically fats from plants, animals, or even synthetically made...
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